Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Eliminate Abortions to Decrease Breast Cancer

Don't want breast cancer? Don't have abortions! A new study from China indicates that abortion increases precast cancer risk by at least 1.55 times the normal rate. This is just one epidemiological study out of 53 that show a link between breast cancer and abortion! The Coalition on Abortion-Breast cancer has found 69 studies about the link, with 53 of them showing increased risk. This most recent Chinese study may actually even understate the significant risk due to most Chinese abortions happen after one child. One live birth/full term pregnancy matures up to 85% of breast tissue past susceptibility to cancer. Women who abort once (or even worse multiple times) before a live/full term pregnancy may have an even more significant breast cancer risk increase with each abortion.

This just furthers the reasons for abortion to not only be rare, but actually impossible. If breast cancer organizations really want to prevent breast cancer, they would be vehemently opposed to abortions. Sadly this isn't the case. If women's health was truly the goal of all these organizations, they would never partner or support an organization that performs or recommends abortions. Sadly, women's health seems to be a distant last place finish behind convenience and instant gratification. 

Please pray for abortion workers, people who have had or helped another get an abortion, for the victims of abortion, for those trying to save women and their children. All things are possible with God, so let us ask for His help in our fight for Life!

I blog with BE Write

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My Chemo-Jane hair-style

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Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.
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3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE
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