Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Cancer: Not a Death Sentence or a Horoscope

Today was my 6-year cancer-versary. I can still feel the terror I felt as the surgeon began my incisional biopsy. Vividly, I recall the surgeon asking for more numbing medicine since I was still flinching as he used a laser to cauterize the wound. That's right, I was awake the whole time, as was my 20 week old in utero baby girl as she flipped and twisted with my anxiety. Thankfully, Rachel, that in utero baby, has no memories of that day. Now, as 34 year old survivor, mother of two, wife, and daughter, I remember that day as the start of a journey that forever changed my life, but didn't defeat me.

I always found it vaguely amusing in a morbid kind of way that my birthday fell in the astrological sign of Cancer. Astrology and horoscopes aren't in my German practical nature, so I never really investigated what the sign of Cancer meant. Incidentally, I think my practicality fits not only into my heritage as well as my astrology. Yet, the coincidence of my family history with cancer as well as my astrological sign of cancer is morbidly amusing. 

So many people think of cancer either as a death sentence or merely as an astrological sign. Others may not think of it as a death sentence, but as a political or social statement/cause. At this point in my life, I use my miracle journey to help other women and families not only survive, but thrive with their diagnosis while pregnant. I also guide others as newly diagnosed or caregivers to MD Anderson so they have better opportunities for life. So cancer is not just a death sentence or an astrological sign, but an opportunity to survive and thrive! 

1 comment:

  1. Erika,

    I found your blog here through your mom's blog! Congrats on your 6 year cancer-versary! I've always admired your mom's journey and you are such an inspiration too! Thank you for your fighting spirit and for inspiring me and others! God bless you!


My Chemo-Jane hair-style

My Chemo-Jane hair-style
I just had to have my mom buzz my hair because it was falling out so badly.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.
My loving husband is watching me distract myself with a game on his iPhone.

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs
I even have a fashionable belt to hold up my drains.

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE
The smile is fake because the TEs were irritating!