Monday, April 11, 2016

Belated #FMF: Whole

What does it take to feel whole again? For every woman it's different. Heck, for some women the answer varies by the moment. However, a big part of the journey through cancer is beginning to feel whole again. If you're like I was, you chose to go whole 'hog' and remove as many of the body parts that were trying to kill you that you could possibly live without... For me that meant both breasts, both ovaries, both tubes, and my uterus. 

Is not obvious to anyone that I'm missing those internal organs that made me the life-giver in my relationship. However, I know they're missing and my doctor can surely tell you that they're missing too. The most noticeable ones are of course breasts. They're difficult to reconstruct on some women-me for instance-for reasons that are difficult to enumerate. However, are they really necessary to feel whole? Many women choose not to have their breast reconstructed. They'll you that they still feel very whole because it is more about the support you receive and how you feel about yourself. 


I'm a little late joining the party, but some bloggers around the blogosphere are participating in "Five-Minute Fridays" #FMF with an assigned topic and the titled 5-minute timeline. Since I can't ever do anything on time, I'm running behind, but I plan on trying to participate in this link-up party. FMF writers at Kate Motaung's blog. What a fun way to challenge your writing!

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My Chemo-Jane hair-style

My Chemo-Jane hair-style
I just had to have my mom buzz my hair because it was falling out so badly.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.
My loving husband is watching me distract myself with a game on his iPhone.

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs
I even have a fashionable belt to hold up my drains.

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE
The smile is fake because the TEs were irritating!