Thursday, December 3, 2009

Settling in...

Today was Andrew's first day back at work. I took the easy way out & sent Simon to my mom's for the morning. Rachel & I slept in for a while, then we went to visit Nana & Simon. Everything is really going pretty well. Simon didn't sleep well last night - Andrew had to hold him all night in the recliner. However, Rachel sleeps from 1am till 730 am or so every morning. She's actually even sleeping right now. Usually she tries to eat every 2 hours between 6pm & 1 am. Tonight she must just be really tired. I hope that doesn't mean she's not going to sleep tonight for me! I think we're getting into our routine of happiness!

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My Chemo-Jane hair-style

My Chemo-Jane hair-style
I just had to have my mom buzz my hair because it was falling out so badly.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.
My loving husband is watching me distract myself with a game on his iPhone.

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs
I even have a fashionable belt to hold up my drains.

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE
The smile is fake because the TEs were irritating!