Thursday, April 15, 2010

What doesn't kill you...

... Makes you stronger? Well, I guess that slogan/old saw fits me. The cancer didn't kill me (thank God) and some would argue it did make me stronger. However, I'm not sure if it made me a stronger worker... Work today wasn't a complete bust. I just don't feel like I'm getting much accomplished. I've got endless manual revisions to read (yes, I work for the government, so everything seems to change like the weather) and I'm having a hard time concentrating on the material. I understand (and remember) most of it (except for the completely new stuff), but I want to be *doing* something. Hopefully, its just a matter of time b/4 I get my proficiency back (I have to take at least one proficiency test).

I found a good outfit to wear today, so I wasn't self-conscious at all. Its also refreshing to see more female faces in the work-place! When I left there were 3 women in the whole lab (2 of whom are admins in the front area) out of about 10 of us (I think I'm counting right). Now there are a total of 5!!! Go girls!!! One of my co-workers (a guy) was even in the local paper today for testifying in a murder trial. He was even quoted & they spelled his name right!

If I found a supplier/printer for a collection of shirts w/ the slogan on it of "I FOUGHT like a Girl & WON!" w/ the option of having a pink ribbon or our teal & pink ribbon - would any of you be interested? I don't have prices yet, but its just a matter of time. I even thought of having an option added for the teal & pink ribboned ones that said something like "Unwilling but Active member of the BRCA sisterhood" on the back.

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My Chemo-Jane hair-style

My Chemo-Jane hair-style
I just had to have my mom buzz my hair because it was falling out so badly.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.

Pre-op wearing my hand-crocheted cap with my prayer shawl.
My loving husband is watching me distract myself with a game on his iPhone.

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs

2 days after my BMX w/ 100ccs in the TEs
I even have a fashionable belt to hold up my drains.

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE

3 weeks post-op w/ 400ccs in each TE
The smile is fake because the TEs were irritating!